Thursday, December 27, 2007


We have finally grown out of our Christmas storage and had to buy some bigger and better ones. Dad put Landon in them and was playing Peek-a-Boo; Landon's favorite game.

Christmas Eve

I should have posted this one before the previous one but. . . O-well

We got together on Christmas Eve with some of our friends at the church and had a little pot luck. We also had the kids dress up and act out the Birth of our Savior. Brooklyn was so excited but very humbled to be Mary. Landon was a very cute and chubby Wise Man.

Christmas Morning

Christmas 2004

I thought I would do a little flash back from Brooklyn's First Christmas!

Can you tell who is w

Landon 2007

I can't believe how much Brooklyn and Landon look alike!!! We had a great Christmas! Here are a couple of more pictures from this year.

Saturday, December 22, 2007


Don't ask me what Brooklyn was thinking but she just asked me to put this pencil together with the ribbon on the end and then she wanted it in her hair. So this is what she got! Maybe she is trying to do something like Ariel from little Mermaid???

Jolly Holiday Lights

School is out and we decided to celebrate by going to see the lights at water works park downtown. Brooklyn was so excited she was crawling out of the car!!!

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

I love this thing it is so much fun. Click on the link and watch the Tolboe Elves...

Just a Shout out for my little Sis...

I am so proud of my little sister. She was in performance at the conference center in SLC, Utah and did an amazing job!

She was one of the Eight Maids of Milking and was so great! The music was amazing from the Mormon Tabernacle Choir and the King's Singers. I am so glad I got to fly out there to see her.

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Landon's getting so Big

Look Mom only ONE hand!!!

Well the past week Landon has been getting more and more mobile. He has been crawling for about 2 weeks now and is pulling himself up on everything! He has NO fear.... awwwww! Here are some cute pics of the big boy!

Decade of Dance

OK, my friend Lauren sent this video to me and I laughed out loud while watching it. Most of you have probably seen it, but I couldn't pass up posting it!!!

Sunday, December 9, 2007

Lighting the Christmas Tree

Well I have been a little slow on posting lately but here are some pictures of our Christmas tree and the lighting of the star!!!

Frosty the Snowman

Meet the newest and coldest member of the family. He sleeps outside because he makes a mess when he is inside (he isn't potty trained) While Landon was napping Mom and Brooklyn made a snowman!!! He is a miniture size because the snow wasn't wet enough. We had lots of fun anyway!