Sunday, January 23, 2011

Chicken Noodle Soup

Now I need to give a little background to the song of choice here. About 3 months ago on the way home from church Christian asked Landon what he wanted for lunch and he started singing "Chicken Noodle Soup, Chicken Noodle Soup, what comes after Chicken Noodle Soup?"
Out of nowhere we had no idea where he got it but it sure was funny. Ever since then we sing it to Landon as a joke...THEN Christian was going through some of the songs he had downloaded from my brother and came across this song.

Oh and as an extra bonus we caught Landon grooving to this sweet tune!!!
or click on the word here

Sorry I don't know why it is sideways...

Toothless Wonder

Brooklyn's front tooth was loose forever and she couldn't eat and kept whining about it, so finally Dad "helped" it come out. Then our cute little girl turned into a funny looking character from one of her favorite books...

Our own little Junie B. Jones. Brooklyn got this book for Christmas and has been reading it while her tooth was loose. Then when her tooth was loose we instantly saw the resemblance. After school one day I told Brooklyn to go change her clothes to take a picture. By the time I made it to her room to help her pick out an outfit that matched Junie B Jones, she had already put together this outfit!
What a little cutie.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

So incredible

Landon has the cutest personality, once he lets you get to know him. Landon took this and about 20 other pictures of himself with Dad's camera.

I am lucky enough to spend every day with him and watch him learn and get so smart. He soaks up everything around him like a sponge.
He remembers the lyrics to the songs on the radio, which I need to be careful which station I listen to. He also is expanding his vocabulary and I don't know where he hears these words. His favorite and most recent words are Incredible and Amazing. He told me the other day that when I made dinner it was incredible. If he keeps this up he is going to make his wife a very happy woman.

I have started working with Landon at home working on his letters and spelling and writing his name. He loves writing his name:

Monday, January 10, 2011

Roller Hockey

The city has offered FREE skating and roller hockey lessons.
When I heard FREE I jumped at the offer. The kids have loved going and there is no pressure to be amazing, just to have FUN.

First the skating:

Notice the awesome knee pads on Landon

Then Landon's favorite part... the hockey! When he can give that puck a whack. Look at that swing!

Thursday, January 6, 2011


Here is quick picture of Claire in her new dress from Jammy (Grandma Tolboe)

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Makes you wanna JUMP!, JUMP!

Who can say NO to this face???

Out of all three kids Claire is the one that begs to go out and jump the most!

But Brooklyn is a close second!

Landon just likes to run into the net and fall down like a stunt man.

Happy as a clam even when it is 25 degrees.

More jumping for Claire

I love how the snow looks under the Trampoline.
I also love the fact that I can send all 3 kids out to jump for some quick piece and quiet and they are tired when they come back in.
Santa you are the best!