Monday, September 22, 2008

I am Blessed

I have Angels all around me.

For those of you who don't know things have been a little rough at the Tolboe home. About 3 weeks ago we had to spend the night in the ER because I was having some bleeding and cramping. At the end of a long night while Christian was holding my hand the ultrasound tech told us that our baby did not have a heartbeat. It only measured 7 weeks and I was counting my 10th week. They don't know what happened and I don't think we will ever know until we will be able to meet with that sweet spirit again. I have become stronger from this experience and I am thankful for the Plan of Salvation that our Savior has given to us, for me to understand His plan for us.

We do suspect that when I was in the hospital with my gall bladder attacks and my pancreas my body was under a lot of stress and that could have caused something to go wrong with the development of the baby.

I was so worried how Brooklyn was going to take the news. She is such a sensitive girl and I didn't want her to not understand how things like this can happen. Thanks to a wonderful husband who knew just what to say she was a light of hope for us when we needed it the most. I hope Christian wont mind me sharing the conversation he had with Brooklyn about the miscarriage.

Christian: You know sometimes when we plant a seed in the ground it doesn't always grow and then we don't see it.

Brooklyn: Yeah

Christian: Well, Mommy's baby was like a seed growing in her belly and it stopped growing and so it had to go back to Heaven to be with Heavenly Father.

Brooklyn: Silence...

Christian: (hugging Brooklyn) so there is not a baby in Mommy's tummy anymore, But we are going to get Mom all better and see if Heavenly Father will give us another baby in her tummy.

Later during prayers, it was Brooklyn's turn to pray and she prayed that the Baby would make it safe to Heaven. The sweet spirit of a child!I have been blessed with so much, especially wonderful friends who have stepped in without being asked to help me when I needed it the most. Being so far from family is really hard when you have two kids and a husband in school. So I just wanted to thank those wonderful people who have been there for our family these past few months. I couldn't have done it without you. I love you all and hope that I will be able there for you when you need someone.

After this loss Christian and I had to reevaluate our plans for our family and future, especially because right after this trial we found out where he will be going for his core (four month rotation in October 2009)... Detroit!!! Yes Detroit will be Christian's home and possibly mine and the kids next year. All I have to say is BUR..R..R..R..R..R..R Our plans will solidify when we find out in about a month where he will be from June-September.

By-the-way I was able to get my Gall Bladder out last Tuesday because of the circumstances, and that has been a real pain. Literally. I have been in a lot of pain and I am not healing as fast as I would like or as my kids would like. As I have said before, Mom's do not get a sick day. But I have had a lot of help from my wonderful husband and my amazing friends. Love YA

At the end of this long story I have left you some pictures to laugh at.

Yes that is clean underwear...

Mom and daughter looking beautiful!!!

Two of a kind we are!!!

Friday, September 12, 2008

Nauvoo, Illinois

This post is long over due, but with so much going on in the Tolboe house I have finally caught up on things around the house, so I can blog. Here are some pictures from our trip to Historic Nauvoo. The missionaries at the visitor center and the historic houses were so nice and the stories they told were so moving and spiritual. You could really understand the struggles these people went through and the testimonies they had to build up the kingdom of God.

When we were there I asked Christian if he could see himself willing to give up everything and do what the Saints did? We both were not sure but knew that if we could feel the spirit some 160 years later then we know that those members of the church who lived here in Nauvoo with the prophet must have felt the spirit 10 times as strong and had the unwavering testimony to make them do what they did for the church.

One story that struck me so strong was of Ezra Young who gave birth while waiting to cross the Mississippi River...

click on images to enlarge

Pioneer Pastimes was Brooklyn's favorite part of the whole trip.
(except swimming in the pool at the hotel)
I was in the car with Landon while he slept and Brooklyn and Dad played in the little pioneer house. Brooklyn was so cute to watch, she got dressed up and swept the floors, rocked her baby and carried water to wash her clothes. She would have made a great hard working pioneer.
I did sneak out and got dressed up to take a pioneer picture, maybe next time we go Landon will be awake to get dressed up and play.

Landon loved this horse and wanted to play on it.

When the Saints crossed the river it was only 18 inches deep, but now after the Dam has been build it is over 20 feet deep. The Lilly pads were huge and beautiful! I have never seen Lilly pads before, or so many for that matter.

Our trip to Nauvoo was wonderful. The kids were great and we all look forward to another visit before we move.

Friday, September 5, 2008

Brooklyn's First Day of Preschool

Well, as some of you know this preschool thing is old hat for Brooklyn. She was a pro and jumped right into the school routine. She also had her 4 year old check-up (kinda late) but she measured off the charts, tall and skinny, just like her Daddy.

Brooklyn and her friend Javien
Landon on the other hand is like his Mom... short and round. Sorry Landon, maybe you will get taller when you get older.