Saturday, May 28, 2011

Trip around Michigan with Jammy and Papa

When Jammy and Papa Tolboe came to visit we took them to a trip around Detroit. Our first stop was The Henry Ford, in Dearborn Michigan. The Henry Ford is a huge place to visit which includes; a museum, a place called The Village, where there is and old town and working farms. School houses and churches. Also some old model-T cars that you can ride, and horse drawn carages. Last there is the Ford Factory. You can take a tour of one of the assembly plants where they are making a Ford-F150. Everything was so interesting and the kids loved every minute.

Mom forgot the camera so these pics are from Christian's phone, sorry the quality isn't the best. Also you can't take any photos while in the plant.
Vanna White

The bus ride back to the car form the factory tour.
(told you this thing was big)Brooklyn's Birthday party was on Friday...see earlier post. So on Saturday we went to Downtown Detroit.

We went to the Heidelburg Project and they have added some things since we went their last. See this post.
Our favorite stop was the Motown Museum
Funny tour guides and lots of fun information. Patrice and Rand were reliving the "good ole days!"

"Stop in the name of love"

More to see downtown, including the Fox Theatre

Comerica Park

Having Jammy and Papa come visit was a blast and everything was perfect!
Thanks for coming out to see us and where we live.
Miss you already

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Mother's Day 2011

I have the Best job in the world.
It may not be the cleanest, the most relaxing or the most glamorous. At times it is extremely exhausting and monotonous.
BUT, I wouldn't change it for the world...well maybe if I had a cook and a maid.
Just kidding, I love my children more than anything and they are my greatest accomplishments.
I thank my Heavenly Father each day that he has entrusted me with such special spirits.
Look how lucky I am:

Monday, May 23, 2011

Hula Hoop Stud

A couple of weeks ago Landon was watching Brooklyn hula hoop and thought he would take a try at it.
Well see for yourself...

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Lucky Number 7

When I look at this big grown-up girl I have to take a minute to catch my breath. I can't believe it has been 7 years since this baby girl came into our life.

Brooklyn has acquired a few nick names in her 7 years. Brookie, Brooke, Rosie, Rosalinda, Nookie, Brookie-Nookie. All terms of endearment.

Being the oldest is quite a hard job and she is doing outstanding at it. We have to remind our self that she is only 7 and she can't or shouldn't do some things. She is so mature and grown up for her age, it is a little too much to handle.

Brooklyn had a Spa birthday party and it was a huge success!

Brooklyn was the hostess and welcomed her guests. She gave them their complimentary sandals and the relaxation began.

We had lots of help from a handsome little man

And some very cute customers!!!

After some pedicures the girls had pizza and then we gave them a cucumber mask. The giggling was infectious!!!
from left to right

Kearstyn, Paige, Elise, Brooklyn, Ava, Courtney
And a Spa party couldn't be complete without a nail polish cake!

Getting ready for the big 7 candles

Happy Birthday to our big 7 year old.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Landon's Soccer

Are you ready for soccer???

( you can see Landon in the green shirt yelling)

Landon started a little soccer program for the spring and he is so cute out there. He was really shy at first, but then once he warmed up he was the fastest, little guy out there.

Here he is warming up

The wind-up...

And the Kick!!!

The frog jump. If you look real close you will see Landon trying not to smile. LOVE IT

While Landon is playing soccer, Claire is usually trying to go with him,
OR doing this with her friend Lilly.
UM, do I have anything on my bum?
Gotta love those wood chips.


Here are some pictures of the kids in my big bath tub.
When they turn the jets on, the tub gets covered in bubbles. When Claire is in there with them we have to be careful not to loose her.
Claire loved it so much she cried when they had to get out.Claire kept putting bubbles on Brooklyn and Landon

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Kentucky Derby Party

Christian and I were invited to a Kentucky Derby benefit party. I was a little nervous to go to a nice fancy party but after I found out that there was a hat contest I couldn't resist...

There was a silent auction and Christian won a ....wait for it....a weed whacker. Whatever, he kept saying that we needed one. At least we won something.

A much overdue fun night out together!!!