Friday, November 9, 2007


OK, I was Tagged along time ago from a friend of mine Debbie, and I have been tagged again by another friend, Katie E. So I guess I will keep this thing going... I am supposed to list 6 talents, fun facts etc. and then tag 6 people to do the same. Here goes nuthin'

1. I am a California girl through and through even though I was born in Bountiful, Utah. I hope to someday return to my mother ship "Cali" I love the warm weather and so I am dreading the next, oh should I say 5 months of cold weather out here in Iowa!!!

2. I used to be a really crazy girl!!! I was afraid of nothing and if you dared me to do something there was NO backing down. I have been sky diving and LOVED IT!!! BUT now I am a wimp. I think becoming a Mom makes you afraid of a lot of things...well things that would hurt you.

3. Speaking of being afraid... I hate scary movies and I get scared really easy. Christian used to scare me a lot but he has learned his lesson a couple of times when he has turned the lights out and tried to scare me but got a "kung-foo" kick to his junk :)

4. Some of you might know that I dance. I danced all growing up Ballet, Jazz, Lyrical. I was actually in Evita and played the young Evita, it was a very small part but I still mention it. I danced and taught in College and love it! I am teaching right now at the studio that Brooklyn takes lessons from. Dance is something that makes me so happy and I hope that I can do it FOREVER!!!

5. I was in a Junior Miss pageant when I was a Junior in High School, and I won the Talent category and was awarded a scholarship to college.

6. This part may make some of you feel old but, my husband will graduate from Podiatric Medical School in 2010 which then I will be 27 years old. So when my husband is done with residency I will be 30 years old. I know I am YOUNG, but I love being a young Mom. I want to be able to always have fun and play with my kids!!!


Debbi said...

I can't imagine you doing anything but having fun and playing with your kids - whether you are old or young! You are such a fun mom and sky diving? Wow!

{Erica} said...

Loved learning new things about you! I participated in the Junior Miss pageant as well!

So when are we going skydiving? :D

Katie said...

Thanks for playing along Jennilyn. I can't believe you went skydiving, that is so cool!

suds2004 said...

Hi Jennilyn! I found you on Debbie's blog. Your blog looks great! I am impressed you went skydiving. I used to be brave myself and would try almost anything. Not anymore I am totally a softy. It must be motherhood.