Monday, March 23, 2009

Baby Number 3

We are pleased to announce that baby number 3 is on its way!!! I have been pretty sick with this one which is actually a good thing because that makes me think that things will go well the first trimester. We also don't have to worry about my gall bladder causing any problems, because that sucker is long gone!!!

Because of the nausea and all that comes with pregnancy I have been really tired and lazy...sorry to all those who I have been "poopy" to; especially Christian. I am not exactly the most chipper pregnant woman. He has been doing so much around the house and for me and the kids it has been a blessing to have him home more this semester.

Thanks honey for working so hard to make sure we are taken care of in every way! Also for putting up with my throwing up, and cranky self. I hope things will get better in the next few weeks as I begin my second trimester.

I am due September 30th and so that puts a little damper on our plans for the kids and I to go to Detroit with Christian for his core rotations. But with the help from family in Modesto we know things will go well. Brooklyn will start Kindergarten in Modesto and I will deliver soon after, so if we did move to Detroit it would only be for 3 months and having to take Brooklyn out of school and switch insurances would not be fun. I know the time away from Christian will be EXTREMELY hard, but it is only for 6 months. At least he isn't going to Iraq for a year, and although it is Detroit I don't really need to worry about his safety.

Brooklyn is praying for a little sister of course, but I would like another boy, so Landon can have a bud to play with. We will see what the Lord blesses us with. I am just thankful that everything has gone well so far and for wonderful modern medicine. Every time Brooklyn says her prayers she blesses that the baby will stay in Mommy's tummy and it will grow healthy. Thank goodness for little children!!!


Unknown said...

Congrats guys! That is exciting!

Amy said...

WOOHOO! Sorry you are feeling so punk. I am sure it will be nice to be back in Modesto when #3 arrives. Congratulations!!

Cassie said...

Congrats Jennilyn!!! That is very exciting news! I am sorry you haven't felt good, I definitely know how that goes! On the bright side of things you almost have three pregnancies down! Hope everything goes well for you guys and with rotations! It will be nice to at least have family close!

{Erica} said...

Can't wait for Ella and brooklyn to be neibors.... :)

Three cheers to Christian!

Three cheers for another cute little Tolboe.

Three cheers that maybe now you'll feel better since your first trimester is over!

suds2004 said...

Yeah! You are such a wonderful mother, I am just so happy for you. Sorry to hear that you have been a little sick, hope things get better soon. Landon is going to be such a great big brother and Brooklyn will be such a great help.


Chet and Kristina Cox said...

Congrats Congrats! Hope you start feeling better:)

Anne-Marie said...

Congratulations! Sorry to hear you feel yucky, though :) It'll go by so fast, when September hits, you'll be surprised :). Good luck with living apart for so long, Jon was only gone from us for a month or so and it drove me NUTS (and i didn't even have a new baby...) :) COngrats again and GOOD LUCK!

Tavia said...

Exciting! Congratulations! I'm keeping my fingers crossed that everything goes well, you feel good, and you'll manage the upcoming chaos with scheduling.

Unknown said...

Yey for baby #3! I hope you are feeling better by now. xoox ~ Lauren

Caroline said...

Wow number 3!?! That is exciting!! If I had a girl then a boy I think I would let the third one be a surprise since I already would have one of each. Are you guys going to find out?

Heatherbether said...

Glad we're not the only couple being productive....reproductive that is! Yipee, more kid chaos at the next family reunion-I love it, seriously, I love it!

Allison Mendoza said...

Congrats! Hopefully you're feeling better now that you're in your second trimester. That's so exciting our babies will only be about 6 weeks apart! Take care and good luck.