Thursday, September 27, 2012

Pregnancy-25 weeks

I realized that I haven't documented much about this pregnancy. Life is kinda like a race these days...between after school activities, teaching dance 3 days a week, my new calling in Young Women's and just plain being PREGNANT I can't seem to catch up. 

This pregnancy has been noticeably harder. I have been 10 times more tired, and really having a hard time with horrible back pain. I think my body is trying to tell me something! I don't know how some women have lots of kids and after the age of 30. 

At 25 weeks I am looking smaller than my last 2 pregnancies, which seems really odd to me. And when I asked my Doctor about it, she thought I was weird for complaining that I was small. But this little girl is measuring right on schedule and moving around like a little dancer. I can't believe I only have 13 weeks to go! This pregnancy has flown by, and I am hoping it continues to do so.

The kids can't wait to have a baby in the house. Brooklyn often rubs my belly and asks how I am doing. Landon, likes to put his hand on my belly at Church to feel her kick. And Claire talks in a really high pitch voice and sings songs to her all day long, often telling me that she heard the baby talk.

Now if only we can think of a NAME!

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Claire turns 3

My sweet Claire turned 3 years old. 
Breakfast in bed on your Birthday, ( a family tradition) She requested "Pink Pancakes"

I think she was a little surprised!

 She also wanted a princess cake so here is her pretty pink princess barbie cake. What more could a girl want?

Claire is maturing faster and faster each day. When the kids went to school she really started coming out of her shell. Spending the days with just Mom is exactly what we both needed. She said to me the other day :
 "Mom, us girls are just hanging out right?" 
"Yes, I said. That is right Babe, just you and me!"

Her favorite Color is of course PINK
She loves dancing class and says that she can't wait to dance on the stage
Claire loves to color, and paint but most of all DRESS UP
Claire eats like a bird but when I can get her to eat she will eat, any fruit, veggies and of all things hot dogs!
Claire is itching to learn and if I let her she would go right to kindergarten with Landon and not look back. 

I am glad to be able to spend everyday with this sweet little girl.
Happy Birthday Claire

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Kindergarten and 3rd Grade

 These are the times in my life when I start to feel old. My two oldest kids are now in school ALL DAY LONG!  Both kids were more than ready for school and excited to see their friends.

 Brooklyn will be starting 3rd grade in Mrs. Donnelly's class. 
Favorite Food: Ice Cream, Pizza and Tacos
Favorite Movie: Annie
Favorite Book: Little Princess
2 Goals: Make new friends and get good grades
I love to Dance, Cook and Sing!

Brooklyn and her Friend Paige

 Landon is starting Kindergarten in Mrs Prybula's Class
Favorite Food: Spaghetti, Chicken Nuggets, Pizza and Quesadillas
Favorite Movie:Spider Man
Favorite Book:Ugly Bugs
2 Goals:Learn how to read and Make friends
I love to ride my bike, flip on the trampoline and play the wii!

Landon was a little nervous on his first day but no tears from him or me. I will miss my boy, but happy to see him loving school. 
He was a stud! Don't let his size fool you!!!