I realized that I haven't documented much about this pregnancy. Life is kinda like a race these days...between after school activities, teaching dance 3 days a week, my new calling in Young Women's and just plain being PREGNANT I can't seem to catch up.
This pregnancy has been noticeably harder. I have been 10 times more tired, and really having a hard time with horrible back pain. I think my body is trying to tell me something! I don't know how some women have lots of kids and after the age of 30.
At 25 weeks I am looking smaller than my last 2 pregnancies, which seems really odd to me. And when I asked my Doctor about it, she thought I was weird for complaining that I was small. But this little girl is measuring right on schedule and moving around like a little dancer. I can't believe I only have 13 weeks to go! This pregnancy has flown by, and I am hoping it continues to do so.
The kids can't wait to have a baby in the house. Brooklyn often rubs my belly and asks how I am doing. Landon, likes to put his hand on my belly at Church to feel her kick. And Claire talks in a really high pitch voice and sings songs to her all day long, often telling me that she heard the baby talk.
Now if only we can think of a NAME!