Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Happy Birthday Christian

Christian Rand Tolboe born March 12, 1981 .
I couldn't get any baby pictures of this cute little man but here are some my Mother-in -Law could round up. (thanks Patrice)

In case you didn't know here is a little info on the Birthday boy. Happy Birthday honey I love you.

Name: Christian aka Hot Stuff-his name growing up was Buddy...long story I will have to tell that story later.

Age: 27 and counting

Favorite color: for a car - charcoal or silver

Favorite season: spring - no longer snowed in and too early to be hot.

Favorite food: anything w/ bacon

Favorite snack: Pringles or Nature peanut granola bars

Favorite beverage: Water. I absolutely love it! Just as Jenni. It is actually Jones Soda, he hates water...

If you had a million dollars how would you spend it? I'd buy a house, a couple suits, buy Jenni some jewelry and invest the rest.

5 years ago you were: 22 and barely married. No kids. Just about to enter spring term at BYU and dreading the Organic Chemistry course I had just signed up for.

5 years from now you will be: Almost done with Residency!!!! Show me the money!

Hobbies: Studying........ that counts, right? If not, I like golf - even though I'm no good at it.

Favorite memory: When Jenni told me she loved me. I was getting ready to leave after one of my weekend visits to Centerville, where she lived. Not wanting to leave, I rolled down my window to say goodbye just one last time. I was joking about something and Jenni's response was: "Well I love you." We sat awkwardly for a second and she finally said "Yeah, ... I do. I really do love you." So, basically I had to trick her into saying it, and it worked.

Favorite book: McGlamry's Comprehensive Textbook of Foot and Ankle Surgery. Can't said I've read it yet, but I would hate to have spent $400 on a book that I didn't absolutely love. It'll be a special kind of love, I'm sure.
Favorite movie: The Bourne Ultimatum Series. I'm also a Harry Potter movie fan. (It's the nerd in me.)

If you could meet anyone in the world – past or present - who would it be: Too many people, such little space on the page.

If you could be a tree what kind would you be? Banzai. I don't want to live outside in the cold or heat, and I like being waited on.

How do you feel about turning 27? I know it's not 30, but I'm starting to feel pretty stinkin' old, but not so wise.

Share your wisdom, older one: HA! Funny I just said that I don't feel very wise. Save your money, try to find a wife as awesome and HOT as mine, and think before you speak.

Dream vehicle: My favorite care that I've ever driven was a Jaguar XRR. Google it and tell me you don't think it's nice.

Favorite day of the week: Saturdays - I get to sleep in, sometimes till 7:30 or 8!

Something you use every day: My laptop. It gets me through med school.

Why do you want to be a podiatrist? Because gas gangrene smells like petunias.

Favorite band (s): Name a genre and maybe I could narrow it down. I'm too well rounded ;-)

Dream vacation: A cruise to the Bahamas with a week-long port at a private island with white sandy beaches, scuba tours in shark free water and every afternoon spent in the spa with Jenni.

Greatest Accomplishment: Learning how to get the Argentine people to "understand the words that [were] coming out of my mouth." -Rush Hour, another good movie.

What's the worst thing about turning 27: I have three exams this week.

What's great about turning 27: I'm not 30 yet!

*What profession would you not like to do? A custodian - been there, done that.

*What profession other than your own would you like to attempt? I used to think I knew.

*What sound or noise do you love? When Brooklyn says, "I love you Daddy," and Landon's laugh; the belly achin' kind.

*What turns you off? "Honey, not tonight"

*What is your least favorite word? Anything that starts with an "R" in Spanish. I have issues with the tongue roll.

*How do you feel you are most contributing to the world?
By NOT voting for Hillary Clinton.

*What drives you? Goals and achieving them.

What are some of your guilty pleasures? Double bacon barbecue butter burger w/ cheese and Onion Rings w/ a concrete mixer from Culvers.

*What do you love most about your spouse? She is the most selfless wife and mother I have ever known and she's always quick to forgive (but slow to forget).

*What makes you special? My mom loves me.

*Favorite food indulgence? Same as my guilty pleasure.

*Snow or sun?
Sun? What's the sun? All I ever see are fluorescent lights in the library and cloudy skies outside the window.

*Talents? I'm a ping pong spinning ninja, and I do a pretty good hip roll when you start bumpin' Nelly Furtado on the stereo. You should also check out my moves when you turn on JT. (Justin Timberlake for you old folk.)

*Favorite time of day? 6 pm - time to go home from school!

*At 7:00 pm on a Thursday you are? In the middle of a 4 hour lecture for my health care law and ethics class w/ Denise Hill.

*Song that describes you? "Pretty fly for a white guy" -Offspring

*Worst habit? I'm a popper; I pop my neck, knuckles, wrist, back, ankle, toes, knee, shoulder, and I've learned some new ones from my osteopathic friends.

*What makes you unique?
I've go curly hair that doesn't know how to be tamed.

*Life would be more simple if.... If I had the answer to that, life WOULD be simple.

*Describe your style? Honey, I'm still stuck in the 90's. If it wasn't for Jenni, I'd probably still be wearing my pleated Silvertabs.

*What makes you laugh? Depends on how tired I am. The more tired I am, the funnier things seem to be.

*What is the craziest thing you have ever done? I blew fire balls in my kitchen, jumped onto a moving train, and confronted an armed and drugged Argentine "vato."


Andrea said...

Happy Birthday Christian!!! I would say you are indeed "Pretty Fly for a White Guy" if I don't say so myself!!!haha Love these fun post---hope you get to do something fun today OLD man!!(whatever...I am 27 too)

Debbi said...

Happy Birthday to Christian! Thanks for helping us both feel old! :) Wade agress that mcglamery's is a special book. it holds a special place in our home, we have a trophy case for it and we read to our children every night from it, and every fhe. it's my mission in life to memorize it.

Heatherbether said...

You so funny boy! I miss and love you lots!Happy Birthday!
Love, Your favorite cousin that you used to want to marry when you were little!!)

Megan and Shawn said...

Happy Birthday Christian - hope you had a good one. Have a safe trip you guys, and I can't wait to see you when I get back out of the tundra frozen wasteland known as Idaho!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday! This was fun to read. Have fun on your 19 hour drive and be safe! Talk to you when you get back.

{Erica} said...

Happy birthday! What a fun post. Totally digged the old pictures! Drive safe and have fun!

The Halls said...

Happy birth day!and what is wrong with being 30?????? ha ha! you will get their.