Monday, March 30, 2009

Movie Date with Dad

Christian took Brooklyn to the movies for a Daddy Daughter date and they had a blast. They both loved the movie and it turns out that "Susan" (the big tall girl) was from Modesto California!!! So that made it even more funny.

Brooklyn's favorite part of the movie was when the Secret Service man scanned his Butt to get clearance into the "top secret" mtg. And she loved B.O.B the blob.

Cute movie we recommend it to anyone with a 4 year old! Dad and Brookie even brought home some popcorn for Landon and Mommy!
Do you think they got enough?


Andrea said...

How fun! We went and saw that movie this weekend too. Hunter loved B.O.B the best. How cute they had a little date together.

FYI McDonalds has the Monsters vs Aliens happy meal toys right now.

Tracy said...

How fun! Your blog is adorable. I didn't realize our babies are so close in age. I think like 3 days apart? Amy's birthday is April 22nd. What day is Landon's?

Elise said...

Hey Jennilyn, I love your blog. Congrats on baby #3. I am so happy for you. Brady and I have a blog too. If you'd like to see it I'll send you an invite. Have a great Conference Weekend!

Anonymous said...

What a cute idea! That popcorn looks yummy! How have you been?? I haven't seen you forever it feels like.

M- your favorite said...

I have heard funny things about that movie. I am so glad they liked it. She is getting so big! She is so pretty! Miss you tons you are so cute!